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Tag : Generic

websocket, polling, long polling, handshake signals, cloud technology, pubsub
Points to consider when choosing a cloud messaging...

Posted :  March 09, 2021

With distributed applications, the cloud offers multiple benefits. There are so many interesting cloud service platforms to help you with scalable and...

websocket, polling, long polling, handshake signals, cloud technology, pubsub
Push notification secrets cover how Yalgaar can he...

Posted :  March 09, 2021

Time after time, marketers have always faced unique challenges. They keep facing trouble in understanding how to keep users engaged. After all, user e...

Realtime, livestreaming, data, datastreaming, livedata, messaging apps, pubsub
Why Realtime Data is Important

Posted :  July 11, 2020

There are multiple reasons why real-time data and communication is necessary in the current world of business. Here are a few reasons why the use of r...

websocket, polling, long polling, handshake signals, cloud technology, pubsub
Develop Your First Publish-Subscribe Application W...

Posted :  July 11, 2020

A Quick Guide on Building a Pub/Sub Messaging Tool using Yalgaar If you are a part of the marketing world, you will definitely need a sound strategy ...

websocket, polling, long polling, handshake signals, cloud technology
How SaaS applications are boosting integration opt...

Posted :  June 25, 2020

SaaS or Software as a Service is one of the most popular cloud computing types along with IaaS (Infrastructure) and PaaS (Platform). It is a model of ...

startup, websocket, pubsub, long polling, messaging framework
Yalgaar can help your startup

Posted :  June 04, 2020

One of the most important additions to any company’s online tools is the ability to integrate their website and other digital assets seamlessly.