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High Performance Infrastructure

Global cluster and Geo location based DNS routing

Scalable Infrastructure
  • We, at Yalgaar, take pride in our infrastructure and capabilities.

  • Our Research & Development team continuously strives to enhance our performance and deliver nothing but the best to our customers. We have in place a high-performance global network infrastructure, which is robust enough to power APIs for low-latency real-time messages to each and every corner of this earth.

  • Not only do we hold the capability of serving dynamic content, our infrastructure is also able to handle millions of real-time device connections.

  • Each data center operates as a part of the global cluster that can relay billions and trillions of messages on a regular basis.

Why Would You Care?

  • Consistency of Service - Every message is stored in 2 data centers. Any outage of one data center or a region can’t result in data loss. That ensures that your end users enjoy a consistently lofty experience.

  • DNS Routing - GEO Location based DNS routing makes certain that clients are always routed to the nearest Yalgaar server. This improves the speed of message exchange. If the closest data center is down, we provide failover. In this case, client is connected to another healthy data center.

  • Low Latency Messaging Infrastructure - Our solid infrastructure supports very low latency messaging for our global customers.

Want to know more? Contact us today to connect with one of our representatives.