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Notify Presence and Publish events to external Rest Server using Webhooks

  • WebHook is the perfect alternative for when notifications need to be delivered to an external rest server as soon as an event occurs via HTTP Request.

  • Yalgaar offers two types of WebHooks per app:

    1. Presence

    2. Message

  • Once a URL has been configured from the account dashboard, Yalgaar will send HTTP request on configured URL to notify the customer. To make the communication more secure, the customer is recommended to configure a HTTPS URL in WebHook. Communication with your server, using HTTPS URL, is secured with TLS.

  • Recently, there have been frequent cases of customer’s server traffic. In this case, Yalgaar sends WebHook requests in group of data. Each WebHook request is sent via HTTP POST with JSON Content.

  • WebHooks are rate limited, and they are only suitable for low to medium volume of updates.

Yalgaar WebHook Rate Limit

  • First request of WebHook is sent immediately when configured event occurs.

  • Once the configured event occurs, all other events are merged into a group and sent in next request.

  • The next WebHooks request is then sent after 2 seconds

  • We can send group of 200 events on a single request to overcome customer's server traffic. For example, if a user performs over 200 events within 2 seconds; Yalgaar sends only the first 200 events in WebHooks Request, and the other events are skipped.

Want to know more? Contact us today to connect with one of our representatives.