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Push Notification

Get User's attention on your App by sending Push Notification on smart phones

Push Notification

  • Another robust feature of Yalgaar is Push Notification.

  • This is a way of pushing messages and/or alerts from the backend server of the app to the mobile application (Android and iOS) and web application.

  • Yalgaar seamlessly integrates APNS/FCM/Web push notification with real-time messaging in order to significantly enhance user engagement.

  • This technology works beautifully for the mobile apps as well as web pages, and its developers, as messages can be received by the user’s mobile device and web browser, regardless of whether the app or web page is open or not.

  • What’s more? These mobile push notifications are displayed by the smartphone even when the screen is locked and web push notification is displayed by the browser even though the web application is closed.

  • Yalgaar supports both popular types of push notifications; Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and Apple Push Notification Service (APNS), moreover it's also support web push notification as well.

The following functions make our messaging app worth your while


We provide a simple way of reliably automating as well as sending APNS/FCM/Web notifications to Android,iOS phones and web browser.

Technologically Solid

Yalgaar’s push notifications are cross-platform, cross-device and completely secured with solid AES/TLS encryption.

Bulk Notifications

Yalgaar lets you send push notifications to multiple devices with just one Yalgaar publish.

In-App Notifications

It is simple for developers to default in-app live notifications for when the app is running.

Multiple Options

Developers have the option of sending these push notifications as a primary mode of communication or even as a contingency by using Yalgaar Realtime Messaging.

Why Would You Care?

  • Simple Configuration - Configuring Push Notifications with Yalgaar is straight-forward. All you need to do is enable the service from your account dashboard. Once configured, Yalgaar will send FCM/APNS/Web notifications whenever a message is published on a registered channel/device.

  • Message Reliability - We provide message caching to ensure that messages are delivered even on unreliable data connections.

  • Multiple Device IDs - You can include a formatted payload to be able to publish your real-time messages as well as push notifications to all device-IDs registered for receiving notifications on that channel.

  • Documentation - We provide extensive documentation and video tutorials to help the developer community.

  • Wow! Pricing - Our pricing will floor you. You are getting the best-in-breed features are extremely affordable prices.

Want to know more? Contact us today to connect with one of our representatives.